Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Week 3 Day 3

Idiom of the Day

Idiom: An expression whose meaning cannot be predicted from the usual meanings of its constituent elements.
Strong readers can read idioms accurately.
Strong reader can use , literal, metaphorical, inference and connections to understand idioms.
" Skating on thin ice"

Apply your CELDT Skills Choose and Give Reasons; Which would rather do? Play soccer with your friends or Watch T.V. alone. Tell me 2 reasons why Include: Complete sentences, details, 2 separate details not joined by being opposites

8:30- 9:15
Cause and Effect

Multi-Flow Maps

I lost my shoe.

I went to the grocery store for cheese.

My mom took me to the doctor.

The boy was in the tree.

Apply your CELDT skills 4 picture story Here is a story with 4 pictures. Please tell me the story use a lot of details
Include: All 4 picures, Complete sentences, at least one detail in each picture, transition words

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Apply your CELDT Skills Create your own What would happen if..... Example: What would had happened if the girl had eaten breakfast before coming to school?

Reading and Writing

Pokemon story

Students cut apart and add to muli- flow map
Apply your CELDT skills 4 picture story Here is a story with 4 pictures. Please tell me the story use a lot of details

include: All 4 picures, Complete sentences, at least one detail in each picture, transition words


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Jeopardy Sound Clips

Jeopardy Season 1 Sound Clips




Edit and Present Writing.

Make sure it is a 4 you will be evaluated by your friends and recorded.

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Television Sound Clips

Music Sound Clips

Reading Assessment

What would happen if Mcdonalds ran out of Hamburgers?

3 things

1 comment:

  1. Christina Garcia
    Hugo caloca
    Christopher Gonzalez
    Jaqueline Gonzalez
    Nefi Rosas
    Walter Monge

    Adriana Lopez
