Monday, June 27, 2011

English Learner Summer Camp

Week 1
Day 1 Tuesday
Theme: Family and Cultures
Student Objectives
Language Function(CALP): Students will be able to Explain their chose and thinking.
CELDT Focus: Students will be able to Choose and Give Reasons verbally and in writing with 2 supporting reasons.
ELD Standard: Students will be able to Ask and Answer instructional questions with more extensive supporting elements verbally in in writing.
Oral Language Fluency Activity: Students will be able to follow directions and actively participate in a verbal discussion using the format of inside/outside circle.

Read Aloud: Wilfred Gordon McDonald Partridge by Mem Fox

8:15- 8:30

Take Attendance Rules and Behavior Expectations

8:15- 9:15

Oral Language Development

1. Setting Up the Notebook

2. Idiom of the Day

"Hang On"

______Hang on______________as_____________

3. Getting to Know you


Question: What do you like to do in your free time?
Tell me two things you like to do and which one you would rather do if you had a choice.

Answer: In my free time I like to ______________and _______________.

If I had to choose, I would choose to ____________________.

*introduce sentence frames

* inside/outside circles ( whole group,teacher facilitates)

9:15- 10:15
Reading and Writing

Reading and Writing Prompt Pre- Assessment

* When you are finished create a family portrait

10:15- 10:45
Small Group/Indepe
ndent Work Time

Activity 1 Teacher Guided Reading

Activity 2 Build a Sentence

Activity 3 Making Words

Activity 4 Art

Activity 5 Journal

Activity 6 Newspaper Activities

10:45- 11:00
Read Aloud(vocabulary development focus)



11:00- 11:15
Closure Act

Exit cards

What would you rather do after school today, go swimming or play soccer?
Provide two reasons why

Organize your thinking

1. Write your question.
2. Write your chose
I would rather _______________
3. 2 reasons
( make sure to compare/analysis your reasons,to ensure they are not the same or antonyms ex: I like to swim. I really like to swim. I like to swim. I do not like to play soccer.)

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